Friday, 30 August 2013

Lush Herbalism Face Cleanser Review!!!

Hey everyone!!!

I'm going to be reviewing the Herbalism Face Cleanser from Lush this time, which they gave me as a sample last time I went into Lush.
Previously, I've tried the Dark Angels face cleanser and actually really liked it!
They told me this would be good for my acne prone skin, and the girl told me it was her favourite thing from the store. Most people tell me their favourite is Ocean Salt, so when she said hers was this, I thought it must be good!

They gave it to me in just the standard little black pot. They usually don't hold more than a weeks worth of samples, depending how often you use the product.

Upon opening it, you can obviously tell it's green. Duh.
It also has a weird texture. I guess I was too used to the Dark Angels, so the texture put me off. It reminds me of some nasty baby food.
It smells like baby food too. I can't stand the smell, but it's not strong enough to make me gag at least.
So that's a plus. Kinda.

One thing I hate about the samples is that they don't have expiration dates or directions on how to use them. But I figured I would just add a little water after I pinched out a small amount and mix it together to make a paste, again like Dark Angels.
Nope. It felt so weird and was really hard to spread all over my face.

It's really crumbly, with or without water.
I added some with water here, and rubbed it in, but it just clumps up and insists on staying in a glob.
But it's weird.
I hate the smell. I hate the way it goes on my skin.
But I love the finished product. It's enough to be a cleanser and a scrub for me, which is awesome. But because of the texture, it leaves my skin feeling really soft, which is what I aim for.

I don't use this sample every day, so I don't know how it works as a daily cleanser. But I do like what I've tried so far.

The verdict!
I rate it a 6/10.
The smell and texture bother me SO much. But it does work.
I feel like maybe if I had a proper batch of it, it might work better for me.
I'll definitely be purchasing this sometime in the future once I've used up my many cleansers and scrubs.

I hope you all liked this product, and found it helpful. :3

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1 comment:

  1. Thank you. I just wanted to know where to ship it since I know now to keep producing it

    Natural Facial Cleansers
