Sunday 30 June 2013

Holika Holika Petit BB Cream: Clearing Review!!!

Hey everyone!!!

Today I'm going to be reviewing the Holika Holika Petit BB Cream in Clearing. :3 
There are four other kinds of bb cream in this line, which include Essential, Moisture, Watery, and Shimmering. I chose the Clearing one though because if you know me, I have very acne prone skin.

So let's get straight into the review!

Here we have the Holika Holika Petit BB Cream: Clearing edition. :3
I have to admit, one of the things that drew me to this was the colour of the packaging. I'm a sucker for anything in this colour range. And since summers coming up, I wanted to go for something that's lighter than my foundations, not that any are too heavy.

I love that this has SPF 30 in it. It's been getting a lot hotter here, which I didn't think was possible! I didn't really have anything with SPF in it before, or at least nothing that was in the double digits. My moisturizer is only an 8, I believe.

When I first put a little onto my hand, I was really worried it would be too dark or not match my skin. Even though I don't actually look it, I'm extremely pale. I always go for the lightest foundation/powder/concealer in any brand, and sometimes they're still too dark.

But I do have to comment on the scent; it smells really good. Like summer. Not like a floral summer, but just a nice pleasant summer. :3

First of all, can we just comment on how weird and manly my hand looks in these pictures? ; - ;

Moving on!
After I blended it in (I just used my hand) it actually matched my skin really well, and got rid of any redness I have. It felt really nice on my skin too, like I wasn't wearing anything.
I've tried other BB creams, and they almost always feel cakey on my skin, but this felt so light!
It also fits my skin perfectly, which is amazing. I'm always a little nervous when buying foundations or anything in that general area online, because you can't really compare it with your skin tone.

When I apply this, I just put a little bit on the back of my hand, then apply it with a stippling brush. It goes on so nicely, and makes my skin look flawless, which is amazing, especially for a BB cream!
I have very problematic skin, with acne and acne scars showing up all over the place, and this covered all of them! I don't even need concealer when using this, which is a first.

Because it is a BB cream however, I do apply a matte powder over it just so it isn't sliding all over the place.
I have extremely oily skin, especially on my forehead, and this doesn't move at all. It stays put!

One of my favourite things about this BB cream is definitely the fact that it's waterproof!! And I mean it.
I went to my families farm today and went swimming. I thought for sure it was going to come off and expose all those pesky little scars and two lovely little bumps I have chilling on my forehead. But even after swimming for an hour and wiping my face like crazy (I had water in my eyes) this gem stayed put! 
It even outlasted my waterproof mascara and eyeliner.
It did come off easily when I used a makeup removing wipe. Which I love!
I always have problems with removing my waterproof makeup at night, and I hate having to rub my skin so hard.

Without a second thought, this is definitely going to be my summer time coverup, especially on those really hot days.
I rate this beauty a 10/10!
It's extremely cheap, costing less than $6, with free shipping. It did take a month to get to me, but definitely worth the wait!
I ordered it a month before the hot weather even started. ;3

I hope this review helps anyone looking for a bb cream. :3

And don't forget to check out my instagram, mytwitter and my tumblr!!


  1. Glad to see that it worked well for you! I've swatched these in the Holika Holika store, and found that it was REALLY, really light on me. ;n; So meh, I don't think this is the product for me! Thank you for the review!

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  2. I brought this BB cream before and I really liked it, except the fact that it's waaay too light. :/ Great review btw! ^^

  3. I have this too and I'm in love with it! Been using it non-stop since I got it 2 weeks ago. Covers wonderfully & stays on for a decent amount of time. Love it! Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this one! xx
