Monday 15 July 2013

CoverGirl Intense ShadowBlast Review!!!

Hey everyone!

The other week while I was working, I noticed that we were selling the CoverGirly Intense ShadowBlast Cream Eyeshadows. They caught my eye, but I was extremely hesitant to get them, mainly because I have extremely oily skin. Cream eyeshadows is one of my worst enemies when it comes to makeup. They stay nice for a couple minutes then crease like there's no tomorrow.
But after staring at them for days, I finally decided to pick two up.
I ended up getting Beige Blaze and Forever Pink. I'm a sucker for pink eyeshadows.
I have to admit though, they kind of just sat around, looking pretty for a couple of days before I decided to try them.

I only took a picture of the Forever Pink, because I lost the other one while doing my makeup this morning.

Anyways, judging by the name and the colour, I figured this would be extremely pigmented and be, well, intense.
But I was wrong. And I'll get to that in a second.

After opening it, I was actually a little startled to see this was how I was supposed to apply it.
A sponge.
Although now that I actually think about it, I don't know how else you would really do it. It feels pretty cool on the eyelids when I put it on, which is nice when it's hot. 

I decided I should do two swatches of it. The top one is it just as is, and the bottom is it blended in, and that's with good lighting. Honestly, they all look the same after you blend them in. It doesn't give a ton of colour payoff. If anything, it just gives a little shimmer, and that's it.
I actually discovered these are AMAZING as a base for your normal eyeshadow.
I've tried other bases, and after about five hours, they crease on me, but these keep my eye makeup perfect from seven in the morning until ten at night.

But if you decide to wear it alone, just as a plain old eyeshadow, well, good luck.

See that beige line?
Yup, that was my eye makeup after three hours. It creased so bad.
So yeah, as just an eyeshadow, they suck. But if you use them as a base, they work amazing.

They suck with colour, and at being a shadow. So if I was rating it just on that, I would rate it a 2/10. It'd be good if you were just going to a bar or on a date for an hour, but that's about it.
But if you use it as a base, a solid 10/10!!
I definitely recommend this if you have problems with eye makeup sliding all over the place. 

And don't forget to check out my instagram, my twitter and my tumblr!!

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