Wednesday 14 August 2013

50 Weightloss Tips!!!

Hey everyone!!!

So today, instead of doing my usual review, I wanted to do something a little different.
A weightloss tip post!!

As a former anorexic, I know that starving yourself is not the answer to losing weight. In the long run, you can end up gaining more weight than you started at.
So without further delay, let's just jump right into the post!!

  1. Lots of fruit and vegetables! (but more veggies)
  2. Ditch the sugary soft drinks and start drinking more water.
  3. Stand when possible vs sitting like a potato.
  4. Park farther away. Especially if it's nice out. The fresh air is good for you, and the few extra steps aren't gonna kill ya.
  5. Remember to treat yourself. If you restrict yourself for the rest of your life, you know you're not gonna wanna do it.
  6. Don't eat after eight. The food that you eat won't have time to do anything, so it just turns into fat. But if you have to eat something, make sure it's something light.
  7. Make sure to drink lots of water! It helps to fill you up faster, and a lot of the time when you think you're hungry, you're really just thirsty. :3
  8. Take the stairs when possible vs the elevator. WORK DAT BOOTY.
  9. Make sure you eat breakfast!! It's the most important meal of the day and keeps your metabolism going.
  10. Cut down on sugar. A lot of the time when I'm buying snacks, I look to make sure it has 10g of sugar or less. :3
  11. Don't eat out all the time! This should be self explanatory.
  12. Plan meals ahead of time. This helps you so when you're buying groceries, you're not buying a bunch of things you don't need.
  13. Try to eat lots of fibre. It helps keep you regular, and fills you up faster.
  14. Eat smaller portions. You can always go back for seconds if you're still starving.
  15. Use bright coloured plates. It helps you see your food and not just take everything in.
  16. Put your fork down while you chew. Your body takes around 15 minutes to realize that it's full, so a lot of the time you just overfeed yourself.
  17. After you plate up, put the leftovers away to avoid any temptation.
  18. Ditch all those fruit juices. They're loaded with sugar.
  19. If you can't handle just plain water, add lemons to it. It helps clean your body from the inside out, and it's good for your skin too. Yay!!
  20. Ride your bike to work/school if it's close. It's really good for your booty and whatnot.
  21. DON'T SKIP MEALS YA LITTLE TURD! Skipping meals only makes you eat more later on.
  22. Be productive, and stay that way! When you're sitting at home all day, online, you get bored and start snacking. Om nom nom.
  23. Use kid sized plates. The bigger the plate, the more food you pile on it.
  24. Get a pedometer and start using it. I try to aim for at least 10,000 steps each day.
  25. When ordering a salad from a restaurant, ask for the dressing on the side. You usually don't need it all, and they'll just glob it on.
  26. Don't watch TV when you eat. You lose focus and eat way too much.
  27. Watch out for those annoying 'fat-free' items. They usually contain a ton more sugar to keep the flavour.
  28. Hot soups are your best friend. Hot liquids fill you up faster. :3
  29. When you're eating any type of meat, your portion should be no larger than your closed fist.
  30. Again, eat your breakfast! You have a better chance of losing weight because it keeps you from snacking all day. I like having two pieces of multigrain toast with jam. :3
  31. Pound out your meat. (well that sounds weird...) it helps to relieve stress and makes the meat go a longer way.
  32. If you live with someone also trying to lose weight, pack each others lunches! It's a nice little surprise.
  33. Eat lots of celery and watermelon. They both contain lots of water, and you burn more calories eating them than you gain.
  34. If you're having a sandwich at a restaurant, ditch the mayo, cheese and top bun. You just saved yourself 250 calories.
  35. Halfway through your meal, wait thirty seconds to see if you're still hungry.
  36. After meals, brush your teeth. This helps to deter you from snacking.
  37. When you're grocery shopping, stay on the outer rim. This is where all the good things are. The aisles only contain junk.
  38. Keep a food journal. You can write down the meals you really enjoyed so you can use those as motivation.
  39. Remember you're not going to lose the weight instantly. It takes time.
  40. Eat more veggies than fruit. Fruit are still good for you, but they do have sugar still.
  41. Go for walks after a meal. It helps amp your metabolism up.
  42. Don't let mean people get to you on a run. Just remember, you're running and losing weight while they stand there and look like douchebags.
  43. Find a buddy and work out with them. 
  44. Go for walks/runs! You don't need fancy equipment to lose weight.
  45. Not trying to be creepy, but when you weigh yourself, take off your clothes. You'd be surprise how much they can weigh.
  46. Find music that helps you get pumped up.
  47. One of my favourite things to do, is to crank my favourite music at the time and dance like a crazy person! You wouldn't believe how much you can sweat from that.
  48. If you're hungry but feel like you've already eaten a lot, veggies are your best friends! Eat unlimited veggies, because they're good for you.
  49. If you feel uncomfortable working out in public, buy a jump rope and hoola hoop and do it in an open area!
  50. And last but not least, I leave you with a quote;
A moment on the lips is a lifetime on the hips.

And don't forget to check out my instagramtwitter, facebook and my tumblr!!!

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