Friday 8 November 2013

My Life in Pictures!!!

Hey everyone!!! :3

Today I thought I would switch it up a little bit, and do a picture post!
Basically what this is going to be, is a bunch of pictures that I've taken recently, and I'll be telling you a little story behind them.
I've seen these before and I think they're really neat!!!

Hahaha this is actually the most recently one!
I had a date night a while ago, and while the guys were setting up this really cool video game thing, I sat on my friend and took a selfie of us!

I'm actually going from most recent to not so recent, just so there isn't any confusion.
But on my birthday, also the morning of my date, I dyed my tips red because I haven't done them that colour before!
I really like how it turned out and plan on doing more of it red after this fades out!

I was doing laundry this day, and actually got really confused on what to wear, because I had never worn the skirt or the shirt before, but I ended up really loving this outfit, even though it was a little cold out.

My friend and I went out trick or treating, so it was really dark, but I still managed to get a picture of us! I look really mad or something in it though.

It's my old Pikachu!!!
It's actually at my grandma's house, and comes to about my knee. I got it when I was little, but recently didn't have enough room, so my grandma took it in as her pet.

I took this when I went to the corn maze with my staff and best friend.
I parted my hair down the middle which I haven't done in a few years, and ended up doing my makeup like Selena Gomez because she's my idol.
But then I wore a fedora and ruined it lol

Before you ask, no, this isn't candy! It's makeup!!
I got these highlighter balls from eBay a while ago because the colours were really pretty. I've been using this quite often and I really like them. Expect a review on them within the future!

Lol oh my god, I forgot about this.
But my sister and I here were trying to take a nice picture for our friend, and I ended up taking this one.
Don't worry, we didn't use it though.

I actually went to the college a while ago to run a few errands, and never realized how cool it actually looks.
Is that weird?

It actually was a saturday, because I never wear snapbacks on days I work. But you can't really see it. :c

Don't mind the mascara that I forgot to clean up.
But I did my makeup and lined my bottom lash line with blue and purple mascara, and really loved the look. I actually do this a lot now!
Also I know my pupils are huge. People always think I'm on something omg.

I took this picture in my break room a couple weeks ago and was playing around with these filter apps I rarely use, and discovered a filter called Superpunch or something like that and ended up using this on my facebook for a while.

I got a wig a little while ago for my halloween costume, and when I tried it on, I took some pictures.
My grandma, boss and even my friends thought it was someone else!!
I actually wouldn't mind getting this hair in real life!

This is just a weird picture lol but I really liked my hair here. I waved it, then used a bobby pin to put it into a side ponytail, and it stayed pretty well!!!

I went to BC a little while ago, and it was raining the entire time. But yeah, I took this picture and it was really pretty despite the rain. 

And this is generally me when people ask to have some of my coffee. I get really frightened.

And that's about it!! :3
I don't wanna post too many and bore you all.

and don't forget to check out my instagramtwitterfacebook and my tumblr!!!

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