Friday 15 November 2013

St. Ives Green Tea Scrub Review!!!

Hey everyone!!!

Today I'm going to be reviewing the St. Ives Green Tea Scrub!
This is another one of those products I've been using on and off for the past two years or so.

So let's jump into it!

I actually think St. Ives got a new packaging for this product, but this is the old one because I for some reason thought it was limited edition, so I bought another and just hid it in my hall closet for the longest time.
Also, it has my name on it so no one else would use it. So ignore that.

I was on this kick where I tried to get all my skin care products oil-free, which I kinda stopped doing because a lot of the ones I wanted to try were not oil-free. But when I can, I do.

I've mentioned in previous posts that I have extremely oily skin. And I've heard before that green tea is good for that, and for acne.

About two years ago, I got into this green tea kick, and also a face scrub kick. So when I saw this, I had a little bit of a freak out in Walmart, and knew I had to get this.

First of all, it smells really nice. I wouldn't say it smells like green tea, but it does have a really nice smell that I can't even describe because I suck at doing that.

Next up is the colour. It's actually darker in this picture because of my shadow, but it's a pastel green colour. And we all know I'm a fan of pastels, so that's just a bonus.

But the consistency in the picture is actually spot on.
It's a scrub, but when you dispense some, it looks just really creamy and wonderful.
I can easily get away with a pea sized amount, and just rub it between my hands for a second, which helps it to foam up the tiniest bit, and then scrub my face.
I've used really harsh scrubs in the past, and even though they're really bad for skin to use everyday, I still did. So when I used this and found out it wasn't extremely exfoliating, I was a little put off of it.
But I stopped using scrubs at the night time for a few months (to be fair I just got really lazy and used Bioderma for a good six months) but then I found this in my closet, and decided I needed to use it before it went bad.

So after months of not using scrubs, this actually felt really nice on my skin, and now anything rougher than this, I can't deal with it.
So I like it.

I know I've recommended this to friends before, and some have complained about a few things that I thought I would share.
One of my friends said that when you got this in your eye, it burned. So don't wash your eyes with it is the obvious solution.
But a few said that on open acne, it burned. Which I agree with.

My skin isn't as bad anymore, but when I do have the occasional zit and it pops (ew gross), then I use this the same night (because I only use it once a day) it does burn the area that the zit was in.

So if you have a lot of open acne spots, I wouldn't recommend this. But if your skin is pretty good, I would say to give this a shot!

Overall; I'm rating this a 9/10.
Just because yes, it burns because it's cleaning I guess, or something, but I hate when stuff burns my skin.
But my skin is pretty decent, it's just acne scars. So I don't have a huge problem with that.
My favourite thing is still the smell of it. It's just wonderful.

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